


Maker 30: The movie

Maker 30: The movie

The honorary prize of the East

The initiative "Macher30 - the great honorary award of the East" honors personalities who have made outstanding social, political or economic contributions since 1989. Companies or projects led by the movers and shakers should have their origins in the new federal states but have a supra-regional impact.

 If you missed the award ceremony of "Macher 30 - the great honorary award of the East" - and the great laudatory speeches: You can watch the recording of the 2020 award ceremony here. Have fun!

 The initiative is supported by the VBKI Egon Zehnderthe ESMT Berlin and the East German Banking Association (OstBV). Macher30 is under the patronage of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.

Further information can be found on the website of the prize: www.macher30.de

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