


An evening in honor of the new ones

An evening in honor of the "new ones"

VBKI new member reception on October 31, 2023

Twice a year, the VBKI welcomes its new members with an exclusive evening. The aim: to get to know other VBKI newcomers and find out about the wide range of offers and initiatives at the VBKI.
Around 60 new members and corporate members therefore came to the relaxed networking event in the library at the Grand Hyatt Berlin hotel on Tuesday evening.

On the contrary: after the welcome address by VBKI President Markus Voigt, who presented the current projects and upcoming events and called on everyone to get involved in the VBKI and its many committees, the "newcomers" had the opportunity to get to know each other so well during the dinner that they were able to introduce themselves to each other afterwards!

Many juniors were present this time, and in addition to exciting insights into the respective industries and topics that also concern the new members in their private lives, there were also one or two culinary tips!
An all-round entertaining evening for everyone involved and the perfect opportunity for personal exchange.




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