


More impact, less bureaucracy

More impact, less bureaucracy

VBKI discussion paper: Three proposals for a sustainable university landscape 

In view of the planned drastic funding cuts, science and research in the capital region run the risk of losing touch with the world leaders in the long term. The VBKI believes that bold and creative solutions are needed to avoid the threat of a loss of substance. In a discussion paper, the experts represented on the VBKI Education and Science Committee have presented three proposals for securing the performance and competitiveness of the science metropolis.

VBKI Managing Director Ute Weiland said: "The economic prospects of our regions stand and fall to a considerable extent with the performance and competitiveness of our scientific landscape. We are therefore well advised to do everything we can to avoid a loss of substance as a result of the drastic budget cuts. Our proposals are an invitation to science and politics to give the debate on the future viability of the science metropolis a new direction. From the VBKI's point of view, it falls short of the mark to operate exclusively with lists of cuts or apportioning blame. It seems more worthwhile to think intensively about the conditions under which every euro invested in science has the maximum effect. The aim must be to increase the efficiency of resources - there should be no prohibitions on thinking here, and established structures and processes should also be put to the test."

Specifically, the VBKI proposals revolve around three points:

Trust instead of nanomanagement: Universities need more freedom to make decisions and relief from bureaucratic constraints. A clear political framework instead of small-scale regulations will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of institutions.

Strategic planning needs reliability: The academic landscape requires reliable framework conditions for the strategic development of research and teaching. Backing away from commitments, as with the university contracts, jeopardizes the long-term performance of Berlin as a science location.

Test innovative financing and space concepts: Financing models such as public-private partnerships and interdisciplinary space concepts can make a significant contribution to maintaining and expanding the university infrastructure. The establishment of a coordination committee for university construction will help to successfully shape the transformation.

You can find the full version of the discussion paper here

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