


Sunny mood despite rainy weather

Sommerfest der Wirtschaft 2022

Sunny mood despite rainy weather: after two years of forced break due to the pandemic, the who's who of Berlin society met on Friday evening, August 26, at the completely sold-out Sommerfest der Wirtschaft of the VBKI. The reunion on the EUREF campus was a great success, with around 800 guests taking the opportunity to finally renew existing contacts and make new ones.

The VBKI event took place on the EUREF Campus for the second time since 2019. VBKI President Markus Voigt welcomed around 800 guests to the Schöneberg Innovation Hub - and took the opportunity to thank all those present for their solidarity with the VBKI during the past two difficult years of the pandemic. With a view to the future, he called on the numerous representatives from politics and business to join forces and work together to overcome the acute crises and structural challenges in Berlin and beyond: "Take advantage of today's opportunity, exchange ideas and get talking to each other!"

"The crises are not getting any less: corona, the consequences of climate change, the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, the energy crisis. But Berlin always stands closely together in times of crisis, we help and are prepared".

Andreas Geisel, Berlin Senator for Urban Development,

Andreas GeiselBerlin's Senator for Urban Development, Building and Housing, picked up the ball in his subsequent welcoming address and said: "The crises are not getting any less: corona, the consequences of climate change, the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, the energy crisis. But Berlin always stands closely together in times of crisis, we help and are prepared. The VBKI, with its members and its large network, is an important supporter and implementer of these complex tasks."

The official part of the event concluded with a welcome address from Reinhard Müller, Chairman of the EUREF AG Management Board. In addition to the building senator, the guests included other members of the Berlin Senate, including Iris Spranger, Berlin Senator for the Interior, Digitization and Sport. The Berlin House of Representatives was represented by the parliamentary group chairmen of the Berlin Greens, Silke Gebel, CDU, Kai Wegner and FDP, Sebastian Czaja, among others.

The reunion on the EUREF campus was a great success, with around 800 guests taking the opportunity to finally renew existing contacts and make new ones.


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In keeping with tradition, Berlin's economy and society were strongly represented, including Stefan Oelrich, Member of the Board of Management of Bayer AG, Dr. Sigrid Nikutta, Member of the Board of Management of Deutsche Bahn AG and CEO of DB Cargo AG, Carsten Jung, Chairman of the Board of Management of Berliner Volksbank, Prof. Peter-André Alt, President of the German Rectors' Conference and Prof. Oliver Günther, President of the University of Potsdam.

In addition to Berlin's future, the evening's topic of discussion was also an important personnel matter at the VBKI: Managing Director Claudia Große-Leege, who - as announced - will be leaving at the end of the year for personal reasons, received much applause and recognition for her commitment over the past two years, and her designated successor Ute Weiland was warmly welcomed.

Culinary specialties from the kitchens of star chef Thomas Kammeier and top chef Cornelia Poletto provided a journey through the world of taste, while "DJ Dezibelle" and the live bands "Moon Glow" and "Lasca Fox Mobil" set the right musical accents. The dancing and partying continued late into the night - an unforgettable evening!


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