


Gallery tour at the Charlottenwalk

Gallery tour at the Charlottenwalk

Out and about in Charlottenburg with Anne Schwarz

Berlin has more than 400 galleries, a significant and growing number of which are located in Charlottenburg - VBKI members toured Charlottenburg's art scene with Anne Schwarz, winner of the 2019 VBKI Berlin Galleries Award.

 On the program were the recently opened Kant Garages, where Anahita Sadighi, among others, takes a stand on the protest movement in Iran with an annex to her actual gallery spaces. Also present was Brutto Gusto, a Mecca for collectors of artistic vases, who can also find the matching flowers here.

 With the galleries of Max Hetzler and Susanne Albrecht, the program also included presentations by painting artists. In addition to the stimulating conversations on the walk, this format is always characterized by the very knowledgeable mediation by Anne Schwarz. 


To the picture gallery: Please click here>

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