


More pragmatism, less ideology

More pragmatism, less ideology

For a centrist coalition - VBKI positions on the 2023 Berlin elections

More pragmatism, less ideology - this is the core demand that Verein Berliner Kaufleute und Industrieller (VBKI) is making to the future Senate on behalf of its 2,300 members.

In the run-up to the repeat elections on February 12, 2023, the association today presented its positions for a functioning, prosperous and sustainable Berlin of tomorrow. The paper is based on the desire for a political awakening in order to implement the major challenges - in particular a comprehensive administrative reform - in a pragmatic and solution-oriented manner.

The complete version of the VBKI positions can be found here "

VBKI President Markus Voigt: "Whatever alliances come together after February 12: Berlin politics needs a fresh start. We do not believe that the current governing alliance, which has repeatedly failed due to its own ideology, can make such a fresh start. Instead, Berlin needs a pragmatic, solution-oriented and undogmatic centrist coalition that focuses on what is socially necessary and not on what is politically desirable."
The position paper was developed in collaboration with the VBKI committees, in which the VBKI pools the expertise of its members. It addresses key topics on Berlin's urban agenda and formulates the wishes and expectations of the Berlin business community and society organized in the VBKI. 

For example, the VBKI advocates 


  • for a rapid implementation of the administrative reform based on the proposals presented by the Chief Digital Officer of the State of Berlin at the end of November. 
  • in the area of "Housing and Urban Development" for intelligent property development and an International Building Exhibition (IBA) in Berlin. 
  • for an ambitious, excellence-oriented science policy as the basis for Berlin's future success.
  • in the area of "internal security and justice" for a combination of consistent criminal prosecution and the exhaustion of existing legal frameworks with a committed, demanding and binding integration policy

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