


Bridge between pragmatism and vision

Bridge between pragmatism and vision

Berlin government alliance: VBKI analyzes the coalition agreement

Shortly before the constitution of the new black-red state government in Berlin, we presented an analysis of the coalition agreements between the CDU and SPD.

As a result, the experts represented in the VBKI committees rate the coalition agreement as a resilient bridge between practical action and visionary thinking - according to the analysis, many of the approaches outlined have the potential to substantially develop Berlin further. In view of the fact that the election period has already come to an end, they call for implementation to begin quickly.

VBKI President Markus Voigt: "Administrative modernization, the creation of new housing, the education crisis - the black-red government alliance has been confronted with great expectations from the outset. We in the VBKI are optimistic that the future Senate will live up to these expectations and make substantial progress on key issues in Berlin. The coalition agreement bridges the gap between practical action and visionary thinking, and the personnel line-up of the future Senate also promises professional, solution-oriented and undogmatic government work. Particularly pleasing: seven of the 10 senatorial posts will be held by women! In view of the advanced legislative period, it is now important to act quickly - Berlin must function again at all levels. We in the VBKI offer our support."

The analysis of the coalition agreement was developed in collaboration with the VBKI committees, in which the VBKI pools the expertise of its members. The evaluation is based on a traffic light system, which the committees use to classify and evaluate the contents of the agreement.

  • The full version of the analysis of the coalition agreement can be found here "

  • In the run-up to the repeat elections on February 12, 2023, the VBKI presented its positions for a functioning, prosperous and sustainable Berlin of tomorrow. You can find the paper here "


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