


"The Faster Construction Act will not achieve miracles"

"The Faster Construction Act will not achieve miracles"

Businessbreakfast with the Senator for Urban Development, Building and Housing

Text: Philipp Zettl | Policy Officer


High construction costs, increased interest rates and strict requirements for energy-efficient construction have meant that the target of creating 20,000 new apartments per year in Berlin by 2023 has still not been met. One of the measures to remedy this is a "Faster Construction Act", which Senator Christian Gaebler presented at the VBKI.

The new law contains a broad package of measures: following a dialog process with professional associations, almost 90 measures were developed from around 700 suggestions. According to Gaebler, the aim is for the law - so far only the draft bill exists - to be passed before the end of the year. The law will clearly define responsibilities between the state and districts, and processes are to be accelerated with deadlines for the administration, fictitious approvals, professional project managers and strict controlling. Digitalization, for example with e-seals and digital twins, should also be driven forward more quickly.


In conversation with moderator Anette Weller, Co-Chair of the VBKI Real Estate Committee, the building senator also had to disappoint some expectations: "The Faster Construction Act will not achieve any miracles." The aim had been to review all of his administration's processes for possible improvements and to see which Berlin building laws went beyond those of the EU or the federal government and offered little added value. But he had no influence on federal or EU legislation. Many changes would primarily require a change of mindset, which would take time.

In the end, according to the building senator, it is not just about making things easier for others, but also for the administration itself. Then perhaps the 20,000 new apartments per year will also be easier to achieve.

Please also read the follow-up reports of the Tagesspiegel and the Berliner Zeitung about our event.

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