"It's a very good time to start up right now"
Podcast recording at VBKI: Start-up pioneer Jörg Rheinboldt in conversation with Jan Thomas
Text: Sebastian Thomas | Head of Communications and Marketing
He is one of the pioneers of the German start-up ecosystem: together with the Samwer brothers and other co-founders, the Cologne native set up the Ebay clone Alando at the end of the 1990s - only to sell the copy to the original from the USA after just six months on the market for the then unimaginable sum of 50 million euros. After working at the Axel Springer Plug and Play accelerator, Jörg is now a General Partner of HEARTFELT and an active investor.
"From founder to investor" - in an interview with Jan Thomas - founder and CEO of the news platform Startup-Insider - Jörg shares his extensive experience as a long-standing investor and entrepreneur with us. He describes how the mega-exit changed his life, why he has remained loyal to Berlin for years and why he still takes great pleasure in supporting founders in their first steps.
It was a great pleasure to have Jan Thomas and Jörg Rheinboldt as our guests, and we would also like to thank our Executive Committee member Marc Müller for arranging this.
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