


Writing for the future

Writing for the future

Young authors shine in the 'Kids fit for Europe' competition

A total of 23 talented winners were honored at the award ceremony of the 22nd "Kids fit for Europe" writing competition, which is organized by the Staatliche Europa-Schulen Berlin. The pupils from grades 6, 8, 10 and 11 wrote impressive texts, essays and poems on the subject of "the future" in their second language.

In her welcome address, Ute Weiland emphasized the unique quality of the future. "It is malleable. Each of us has the opportunity to project our visions and wishes into the time that lies ahead of us. We make plans, set the course, make decisions." Dr. Mark Hamprecht, Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family, spoke about the importance of cross-cultural education while preserving one's own cultural identity.

Dr. Klenner, Ms. Dahms and Ms. Hinz took over the moderation and presented the prizewinners' works with great enthusiasm. An atmospheric musical reception was provided by talented flautists, who enchanted the guests with their sounds and thus offered the young authors a wonderful platform to present their creative works. Some of the prizewinners wrote moving poems about the challenges and hopes of the future, while others wrote essays that looked at innovative solutions to global problems.

We are already looking forward to the 23rd competition, which is dedicated to the theme "True friendship is.....".


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