


Almost 1 million euros for a good cause

Almost 1 million euros for a good cause

Exceptional commitment from Berlin's urban community: VBKI auction gala raises 963,000 euros

Text: Sebastian Thomas | Head of Communication & Marketing

The fifth edition of our "Wir für Berlin" charity auction gala brought in a record result! Around 150 invited guests came to the Apollosaal of the Staatsoper Unter den Linden on October 17 and bid on almost 50 extraordinary lots under the direction of star auctioneer Robert Ketterer: Works by such renowned artists as Norbert Bisky, Otto Dix, Katharina Grosse, Leiko Ikemura, Anne Imhof, Alicia Kwade and Hito Steyerl came under the hammer. In addition, numerous things money can't buy were auctioned off, including an evening safari through Berlin Zoo with director Dr. Andreas Knieriem. A Mercedes-Benz CLE 300 4Matic Cabriolet also changed hands. A total of 963,000 euros was raised.

VBKI President Markus Voigt said in an opening speech: "The terrible wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, the increasing political instability - also in our country - and the deepening economic crisis. These are difficult times. Some people feel compelled by the news to retreat into their own shell. I think that is fundamentally wrong. Especially today, in these times, our social commitment is crucial. The result of the evening is all the more fantastic. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of this year's charity gala with their overwhelming commitment!"

The patron of the evening, Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner, said: "Berlin is the city of freedom, but Berlin's freedom doesn't just mean feeling free. Freedom also means taking responsibility for yourself and others. And that is what Verein Berliner Kaufleute und Industrieller does with all its committed members. The VBKI strengthens cohesion in our city with its projects such as Berliner Lesepaten, Sport macht Schule and many other initiatives such as the 'We for Berlin' auction gala. I would like to thank the VBKI for this on behalf of all Berliners. Volunteer work makes Berlin strong and vibrant and strengthens our democracy - every day anew."

The proceeds from the evening will go towards VBKI's charitable projects, such as the educational project BERLINER LESEPATEN and the initiative for people with a refugee background "Einstieg zum Aufstieg". On the other hand, projects outside the VBKI will be supported: the Einstein Foundation Berlin, the Karajan Academy of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, KINDERHILFE - Hilfe für krebs- und schwerkranke Kinder, the children's opera of the Staatsoper Unter den Linden, the Land in Sicht association and the Wunderblock Foundation of the artist Katharina Grosse. 


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The 2024 auction catalog

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Here you can download the auction catalog 2024 as a PDF file. | To the download

The VBKI says thank you! 

We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the realization of this year's auction from the bottom of our hearts. It is only through your commitment that our motto "We for Berlin" comes to life and becomes effective. It gives us great pleasure to be able to present a large number of outstanding and in some cases even unique auction lots. Donated by great artists, renowned galleries, responsible companies and generous patrons. For the auction itself, we were able to win over Robert Ketterer, one of the most successful auctioneers in the world. Our thanks also go to him.

We are particularly grateful to our premium partners, without whose support the organization of this and other important events would not be possible. We would also like to thank our valued partners, who have once again supported us this year with contributions in kind such as storage and transportation capacities, special prizes and much more in the service of a good cause.

Finally, we would like to thank all bidders at the auction for their willingness to support our charitable projects through their bidding and their commitment.

Many thanks and happy bidding.

We for Berlin.

With the kind support of

The live auction will be conducted by

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