


Our Intelligent Infrastructure Committee

Energy companies, construction companies, cable network operators and housing associations - this committee represents a cross-section of all sectors that deal with the topic of "intelligent infrastructure". Its almost 40 members, committed leaders from Berlin's business community, use their expertise to develop positions and solutions on issues relating to energy supply, water supply, waste disposal and telecommunications. The aim is to realize a sustainable, decarbonized and smart infrastructure in the capital region.

The approach is interdisciplinary: How can infrastructures be used as intelligently as possible and linked together? How can the various stakeholders in the areas of "households/residential", "industry/commerce" and "administration/public institutions" make the most of their potential? In detail, the sessions will focus on topics such as smart city, digitalization, energy efficiency, resource conservation, decentralized generation and mobility.

"We not only need an intelligent infrastructure, we also need intelligent networks and, above all, a cooperative and committed approach. This is exactly what our committee brings together."

Oliver Zernahle, Committee member

Committee chairmanship

Dr. Ferdinand Schuster

Managing Director
Institut für den öffentlichen Sektor e.V.
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft

On a narrow ridge

On a narrow ridge

Political statements by company bosses between social relevance, economic necessity and legal framework conditions.