Our VBKI Young Professionals Committee
The Young Professionals and Executives Committee is made up of young Berlin entrepreneurs and other young people up to the age of 35 who are particularly involved in business, politics and culture. The committee, headed by Christoph Steinbiß and Julius Schafmeister, has set itself the overarching goal of promoting VBKI-internal networking between VBKI juniors and seniors.
On the one hand, this is to be promoted through a mentoring program, whereby regular meetings between a young up-and-coming manager and an experienced manager take place over a period of six months. The aim of the mentoring program is to promote the exchange of experience and knowledge between young and experienced managers and networking within the VBKI.
Secondly, the committee has dedicated itself to the topic of Employers 2030. What will a modern employer look like in the future? What expectations will employers have of their employees in 2030 and vice versa? The committee wants to get to the bottom of this and initiate targeted events and panel discussions.
The committee meets every six to eight weeks at the VBKI premises or at the companies represented.
"This could be a quote. Alternatively, a picture motif. If not needed, simply delete it!".
Here is the name
"Artificial intelligence must be demystified"
Young Professionals Meetup on artificial intelligence as an opportunity and a challenge
A start-up with 130 years of experience
KI-Kompass of the VBKI - this time with the KIRA project of the German Pension Insurance, among others
More impact, less bureaucracy
VBKI discussion paper: Three proposals for a sustainable university landscape