

VBKI 2022 - Business Speed Dating - VBKI meets Start-Ups |


60 Mentors and mentees engage in an exchange

After this year's VBKI mentoring program was launched at the end of January with an opening eventwhere mentors and mentees got to know each other, the mentoring discussions are now in full swing.

With around 60 mentors from the VBKI and mentees from the Berlin and Brandenburg metropolitan region, we were able to achieve a new record number of participants. The numbers show us how great the need for exchange between the different generations is and we are extremely grateful to everyone involved for their great commitment.

Mentoring is not a one-way street, but an exchange of experience and knowledge at eye level. It not only requires a lot of time, but also trust and openness - on both sides. The wonderful feedback we have received so far shows us that everyone involved generously shares this with each other.

Anyone interested in participating in the VBKI Mentoring Round 2025, either as a mentor or mentee, is invited to attend the closing event of this year's program in mid-September. We will announce the exact date here shortly.
Because for us, too: "After the mentoring round is before the mentoring round." That is why we are already adding interested mentors and mentees to our registration list for 2025. Please contact us at mentorenprogramm@vbki.de.

Have we aroused your interest?

We already have a registration list for the 2025 round of the VBKI Mentoring Program. Please feel free to write to us at mentorenprogramm@vbki.de.

Simone Wilhelm

Director Deutsche Bank

Darya Horn

Director KPMG


Darya, Senior Manager at KPMG meets Simone, Director at Deutsche Bank


A good mentoring relationship is give and take. Experience meets new impulses.


Change of perspective and strengthening strengths = shared inspiration


Clear added value! A trusting, supportive cooperation still connects us today

When I was nominated to the VBKI a few years ago, I also took the opportunity to take part in the VBKI mentoring program. The famous "thinking outside the box", sparring on topics relating to leadership, professional development and a very personal exchange - these are just some of the aspects that moved me together with my mentor at the time, Daniela Teichert. To this day, I am very grateful to her for her impulses and the very valuable exchange at an earlier stage of my career. Taking part is worthwhile - for both sides!

Dominique Eichner

Head of Strategy Business Partners Rail Infrastructure, Siemens Mobility GmbH

Daniela Teichert

Chairwoman of the Management Board,
AOK Nordost - The Health Insurance Fund

I can only encourage you to get involved with this program. I have had very good experiences as a mentor because this program is not a one-way street. Both sides, mentee and mentor, gain valuable, practical insights for everyday life, but also impulses for further development programs in companies. Dominique Eichner and I still enjoy meeting up, by the way.