


A visit to the most sustainable building in Germany

A visit to the most sustainable building in Germany

VBKI On the road at the new Vattenfall headquarters

As part of the "Berliner Quartiere" series of events, members and friends of the VBKI visited Vattenfall's new headquarters - the innovative timber hybrid building offers space for 1,600 employees.

Vattenfall's new German headquarters is located directly opposite Südkreuz station. With the new building covering an area of over 22,000 square meters, the energy company has addressed the question of what makes an innovative and CO2-saving office. Thanks to the intelligent combination of wood and concrete, it was possible to massively reduce the CO2 emissions generated during the construction of the shell. By up to 80 percent per square meter of floor space compared to conventional reinforced concrete construction.

Thomas Bergmann, Change Project Manager at Vattenfall, guided the visitors through the extraordinary multi-space offices, conference and creative rooms on 6 floors, which can be reached via the branches of sculptural tree paths. Characterized by lots of wood, plants and minimalist elements, the building stands for sustainable encounters. By combining project workspaces for activity-based working and home office, the building offers a total of 1800 more workstations. The tour ended with a breathtaking view of the city from the sky lounge.


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