


Bureaucracy and legal uncertainties slow down hiring

Bureaucracy and legal uncertainties slow down hiring

Survey on the labor market integration of people with a refugee or migrant background

Survey: Berlin companies have predominantly positive experiences with employees with a history of flight and migration.

This is shown by a survey conducted by the project "Einstieg zum Aufstieg" - a VBKI initiative for the placement of people with a history of flight or migration in the Berlin labor market - together with the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce. 
On a scale of 1 (very poor) to 10 (very good), almost half of the participating companies rated the experience as very good, with almost 16% even awarding the maximum score of 10. Around 61% of companies would also like to receive (more) applications from people with a history of flight or migration. Two thirds of companies support the integration of employees with a refugee or migrant background with support measures such as German courses at the company's expense (27%).
VBKI President Markus Voigt: "The results show: Berlin's business community is very open to employing people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, and a majority of companies have already reported positive practical experiences. Initiatives such as "Einstieg zum Aufstieg" make an important contribution to the labor market integration of people who have fled war and persecution and come to Berlin. However, it is also clear that a lack of prospects of remaining in Germany, bureaucratic red tape and a lack of support from the authorities represent a huge obstacle for small and medium-sized companies in particular when hiring refugees."
Almost 65% of respondents believe that more certainty regarding the prospects of people who have been living in Germany for some time would make it easier to hire them. More legal certainty in training (for example, by issuing a residence permit at the start of training) or the lifting of work bans for people already living in Germany would improve labor market integration, according to 55.4 percent and 56.1 percent respectively. 63% would also like to see an increase in the number of vocational language courses on offer.
Marcus Butt, Managing Director of Moll Marzipan GmbH: "We get to know many well-motivated candidates with a refugee or migrant background who would also be a good fit for our company. We wish that the state would support this potential with better language and integration courses."
Companies that have not yet hired any new immigrants also took part in the survey. Although many companies would like to hire people with a refugee background, for example, they have not yet received any applications from this group (48.6%). Just under a third of companies are concerned about the additional work involved (bureaucracy, support). In contrast, a lack of qualifications among applicants plays a subordinate role (14.3%).  
The data is based on an anonymous online survey conducted by the VBKI with its project "Einstieg zum Aufstieg" and the IHK Berlin have conducted among their members in recent weeks. A total of around 200 people took part in the survey.

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