


"Business must show attitude"

"Business must show attitude"

Networking for female executives: Q&A lunch with Civey founder Janina Mütze

She founded her own company at the age of 24. Janina Mütze is now 32 years old - and Civey, a digital market and opinion research institute based in Berlin, now employs around 100 people. At the Q&A lunch, a networking format for female managers at the VBKI, the top manager answered questions from 30 participants. The event was moderated by VBKI Vice President Dr. Sigrid Nikutta.

The discussion focused on the transformation of the German economy. The starting point was the question of why Germany is lagging behind in a number of future fields such as digitalization and climate protection. Janina Mütze diagnosed a kind of "shock paralysis" to which both entrepreneurs and the population as a whole had succumbed. Confidence and optimism are an increasingly rare commodity in times of multiple crises - Janina Mütze mentioned the pandemic, the climate crisis, the war in Ukraine and inflation. As a result, people are mainly thinking and planning in the small details, while long-term visions are being neglected.

"Business must show attitude," concluded the founder and CEO of Civey.

It is now important to look constructively for solutions. A lot can also be achieved on a small scale, for example through the social commitment of companies and their representatives. "Business must take a stand," concluded the founder and Managing Director of Civey. Company managers in particular have a duty to take on the current challenges and lead the way with attitude and vision.


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