We get involved
More impact, less bureaucracy
VBKI discussion paper: Three proposals for a sustainable university landscape
"We don't have a knowledge problem, we have an implementation problem"
Business Breakfast: Vonovia CEO Rolf Buch as a guest at the VBKI
Experience politics up close
VBKI Young Professionals as guests at Bellevue Palace
"More impact, less bureaucracy"
VBKI discussion paper: Three proposals for a sustainable university landscape
In view of the planned drastic funding cuts, science and research in the capital region run the risk of losing touch with the world leaders in the long term. According to the Association of Berlin Merchants and Industrialists (VBKI), bold and creative solutions are needed to avoid the threat of a loss of substance. In a discussion paper, the experts represented in the VBKI Education and Science Committee have summarized three proposals for securing the performance and competitiveness of the science metropolis.

"We need openness instead of isolation"
Declaration against right-wing extremism: CEOs of the capital region take a joint stand
Business leaders in Berlin and Brandenburg condemn right-wing extremist activities and agitation. You can find the article about it here.

Berlin election 2023
For a centrist coalition - VBKI positions on the 2023 Berlin elections
In the run-up to the repeat elections on February 12, 2023, the association has presented its positions for a functioning, prosperous and sustainable Berlin of tomorrow. The paper is based on the desire for a political awakening in order to implement the major challenges - in particular a comprehensive administrative reform - in a pragmatic and solution-oriented manner.
Berlin election 2023
Berlin has voted. We asked the chairs of our VBKI committees about their expectations of Berlin politics.
"What I would like to see from the future Senate ..."
Berlin administrative reform
The VBKI has been campaigning for a reform of the Berlin administration for years. The central demand is that the responsibilities of the administrative levels should be more clearly regulated and differentiated from one another.
Administrative modernization must not fall victim to the Berlin election campaign
Alliance for administrative reform now!
Black-Red: More stability, greater ability to act
Working together for a climate-neutral metropolis
Climate change and environmental protection are among the greatest challenges of our time. However, they also present opportunities for a sustainable restructuring of the economy.
The CEOs FOR BERLIN forum at the VBKI has set itself the goal of a climate-neutral metropolis. In a comprehensive collection of best practices, the forum documents, among other things, the climate protection measures already being taken by companies and their employees.