Young professionals meet Philipp Amthor
Excursion to the German Bundestag for young managers at the VBKI
Text Christoph Steinbiß | Young Professionals in the VBKI
Business and politics are sometimes very different worlds. The "Young Professionals" network in the VBKI met with Philipp Amthor, a member of the German Bundestag, to gain a better understanding of ways of thinking and constraints on action. Where? In the center of power, of course - in the German Bundestag.
What does the everyday life of an MP look like? What was it like to enter the Bundestag as the second youngest member? What skills are important and how do you talk about issues with good rhetoric and arguments? How should migration policy be reorganized in Germany and the EU?
The VBKI delegation of around 20 people had prepared a long list of questions. After a presentation, Philipp Amthor took a lot of time to answer all the questions. In addition to topics relating to the typical everyday life of a Member of Parliament, the talk also covered the current protests by farmers and possible solutions for the future. There was also a discussion about data protection and how it needs to change, especially with regard to the creation of a digitalized administration. Afterwards, participants were able to enjoy the view over Berlin.
Thanks to Philipp Amthor and the Young Professionals Committee for this successful start to the year!
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